One World will be a cryptocurrency with tangible
assets supporting its liquidity and value.
About Us
One World will be a cryptocurrency with tangible assets supporting its liquidity and value.
OW will make investments in existing projects and apply all returns and dividends to the liquidity, increasing the overall value daily.
OW will strive to become a transparent and fully stable currency that transitions seamlessly alongside existing currencies worldwide.
The primary goal will be to purchase real estate and build at cost housing. We will not markup or otherwise elaborate on a home’s value or future appreciation.
OW will provide financial backing to purchase existing properties and build new ones while offering zero gain support to future homeowners. There will be no credit qualifications or restrictions and at no point will acquiring a home be based on a profit margin exceeding actual cost.
Housing will be provided and financed without regard to credit ratings. The only stipulation to acquiring a OW home will be proof of valid income and the desire to own it.
No gain mortgages will be provided and gifted to anyone that applies. No one should have to spend half their life giving up half their income to keep a roof over their family’s head.
Housing should be as available and easy to acquire as any other essential need.
Free housing will be built and maintained throughout the world. Persons in need of housing that do not have a viable source of income will be given shelter in a free housing facility until such time as they can find employment or a reliable source of income.
A percentage of all invested assets will be directed to development projects and financing goals.
The liquidity pool for OW will never be leveraged against volatile assets or be utilized in any way outside the designated goal of reducing homelessness and lowering skyrocketing rent.
One World is a deflationary token
There is a set number of coins and 72% have been dedicated to liquidity. The transaction tax of 3% has been dedicated to the developers’ pool along with 28% of the created coin. Developer funds will be used to purchase and develop projects with profits split between liquidity and future projects.